We pride ourselves in being the Open Skies virtual airline. 

Open Skies means flying the flight of choice with the aircraft of choice at the time of choice. We don’t believe that you should only be allowed to fly “heavies” after having met a set of criteria. After all, we’re trying to enjoy our hobby and share our experiences, right? And our management also deserves a life beyond Platinum Airways.

That implies that we trust you when you file your pilot report. In the end, who would you be fooling if you were to exaggerate your flight hours in your PIREP? But at the same time, a day only counts 24 hours and even Platinum Airways virtual pilots deserve a good night’s rest. While we don’t mind flight acceleration, we are concerned with your general health.

Our current management

Just as we are lean on rules (because we want you to enjoy your flying), we are equally lean in management.