Welcome to the Platinum Airways virtual airline website.

Following a fatal crash of our old content management system, we invited our VP’s to let us know whether there was sufficient interest and support to continue. We were overwhelmed with your support, also for management reinforcements. Your feedback was clear: the Skies should remain Open.

So that’s what will happen. We are investing in a new web environment that will build on our original foundation: fly the mission of choice with the aircraft of choice at your time of choice. Flight filing will remain manual, but the nextgen Platinum Airways website will also offer the possibility of an ACARS system, with live flight monitoring.

As we’re converting to phpVMS and we are no software heroes, we can’t tell when we’ll be operational again. This may take weeks or months. Firstly, we need to find a developer who can install the basics for us to build on. And then we’ll step up operations gradually. So please don’t be surprised if it’s going to be a phased take-off. And we cannot guarantee that all the old Platinum functionality will be available in the future.

We’ll update this page as soon as we have news.

Our forum remains open of course. As the “old” login doesn’t work, please contact us.

Looking for downloads of our aircraft? Easy – select downloads in the navigation menu.