Platinum Airways was established by a group of virtual pilots in November 2009 with one central aim, to ensure that flying remains fun. Several years later we are proud of our achievements. Some 200 active pilots agree that a virtual airline should remain a hobby and should have as few do’s and don’ts as possible.
As we trust our pilots are interested in having a great time when flying, we don’t require you to fly missions through IVAO, VATSIM or any other external network although you may if you want to. After all, you’d only fool yourself when cheating with completed flights. Online flying with Platinum Airways is optional and will never be mandatory. We remain an offline VA by default.
Platinum Airways was probably the first virtual airline to liberate the airways by adopting the Open Skies policy and thus empowering our pilots to fly any mission of their choice with the aircraft of their choice at the time of their choice, without prior approval. Our hub flights are not based on real life schedules anyway but aim at taking you to places which you may never have visited before. Most airports have ILS, but you will find the odd difficult approach here and there – that only adds to the fun. Within our limited rules you decide which mission you will fly at the time that suits you best.
We try to keep it simple and still give you the feeling that you are flying for an airline and not the other way around. The people who are running it like to fly also. Some of our older members go back to the days when FS was still on a 5¼ floppy.
Our current management
Just as we are lean on rules (because we want you to enjoy your flying), we are equally lean in management.